“Any message developed and placed with the ultimate intention of persuading a group to take a specific action (such as buying a product) can be considered an ad. To be considered an ad, messages don’t need to specifically mention a product or service”.
How can you go about setting up an ad?
Meet an influencer with high followers either on Instagram, twitter or linkedin. Pay them to advertise your product for you. With that, people will be aware of what you are selling. The good thing is that not just people around you but also people all over the world will know what you are offering. By so doing, you get qualified customers to buy from you no matter how expensive your product is.
You can set up a facebook ad campaign.
This particular aspect has made me over a million naira selling for the past few months and this is a particular section in my CFM
(Cash Flow Machine Program), where I discussed how to set up a facebook ad campaign that will convert like crazy.
The good thing about this facebook ad is that you can narrow your audience, that is targeting serious people who will buy from you without asking too much questions. Why? Because they are deeply in need of your product.
Imagine spending NGN 5000 to advertise your business on facebook and you get a profit of NGN 100,000. How will you feel?
Very happy right? And the good news is I have Practicalised everything in the CFM(Cash Flow Machine Program).
Let’s go further.
You can Run whatsapp ad using whatsapp TV’s like Naijafinix TV.
I’m sure you know about whatsapp Tv’s. Millions of people all over the world, especially Nigerians use whatsapp to communicate and and make money.
Whatsapp is not just for chatting and posting memes.
You can make NGN 500,000 monthly using whatsapp if you understand the right strategy to use and this right strategies has been explained in the CFM(Cash Flow Machine Program).
Note, that you can’t advertise your product to all kinds of whatsapp Tv’s.
Here is how you know the kinds of Whatsapp Tv’s to run ads with
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