“2019: Why Elechi, Dr. Oun, Ogbuorji Can’t Stand Governor Umahi” – U Trump

Naijafinix Daily News Update


BY Nnaemeka U Trump
Media Freelancer
Strategic And Critical Thinker

In governance, lofty aims and ideals are commendable and necessary, but in the end what matters and truly counts are the results one achieve. Politics is all about preparing and implementing strategies to achieve certain goals. Politics is a way of achieving a given goal which as a matter of fact have to start and end with the peoples’ interest, and any political debate focuses on the latter. A good leader spends a great deal of time in deciding which goals to strive for. A strategy is the way one try to achieve a given goal. In a democratic setting like ours, when the chips are down, voters will judge parties and politicians by the concrete results they have achieved, not by the promises they made. Gov. Umahi’s goals based on his recorded and undeniable achievements so far are people oriented and it is spectacular and unique for its concreteness, measurability, feasibility and for its inspirational value for the youths as leaders of today/tomorrow which has earned him the trust and love of the people of Ebonyi state, and has engendered great respect and enthusiasm even from onlookers outside the shores of Ebonyi state.

A cursory or superlative analysis on the achievements and leadership/administrative prowess of Gov. Umahi from his days as a contractor and a businessman reveals a whole lot of administrative dexterity, landmark achievements in virtually all human endeavour characterized by his sincerity and undying love and compassion for his people bamboozled with his natural flare for quality service delivery and giant philanthropic strides.

Gov. Umahi’s natural love for education can not be overemphasized. He acknowledges the fact that education is a vital component for the survival and development of any society. Also taking into cognizance that education gives people the skills they need to help themselves out of poverty or, in other words, into prosperity, and most importantly, to think more rationally for themselves and be able to proffer solutions to the innumerable problems that confronts humanity. Haven rationalized on the importance of education, Gov. Umahi deemed it necessary to institutionalize a scholarship foundation as far back as 2007 both for indigenes and non indigenes, which has graduated over 5,000 people on various human endeavour. This is however a verifiable fact of which I am one of the thousands of beneficiaries of Gov. Umahi’s scholarship foundation.

The state university (EBSU) which before now was in a deplorable and laughable state infrastructural wise and man power wise has been given a facelift just within 3years of Gov. Umahi’s administration. New structures has been built, new faculties built and the lack of lecturers in the institution have been addressed. Ebonyi state University (EBSU) now wears a new look just within 3years of this administration. And most importantly, the school fees of both indigenes and non indigenes have been drastically reduced. On the secondary and primary school levels, most of the schools that had no classrooms for learning now has brand new structures as classrooms, and the outdated curriculum updated to meet contemporary standards.

Gov. Umahi who can be unarguably referred to as the father of all empowerment among the 36 state governors. Being aware of the meager resources that comes from the Federal govt to Ebonyi state, yet Gov. Umahi used his administrative ingenuity to prudently manage the little resources to ensure Ebonyians are lifted from poverty.

Both the youths, women, widows, civil servants and pensioners are all beneficiaries in the state govt empowerment scheme. It remains an indisputable fact that Ebonyi state govt parades the highest number of empowered people in the whole Nigeria. Some may accuse me of presstitude, or singing the praises of Gov. Umahi. But let me quickly say here that it is only those who are infected by sheer bitterness, possessed by retrogression, deranged by psychosis and are chimerical in thoughts and in action that will deny the facts on ground in Ebonyi state today, with visible and traceable evidence. Prior before now, successive administration owed workers and pensioners their salaries and pensions. The pension and gratuity of pensioners since 1996 (when the state was created) about N1.5 billion was paid in full upon assumption in office in 2015. Gov. Umahi proudly parades himself as the only governor in Nigeria that is not owing workers even for a month. He rather released workers salaries and welfare, paying every civil servant on or before 15th of every month.

Youth empowerment in the state under Gov. Umahi remains unrivaled. Gov. Umahi’s youth empowerment scheme is generally adjudged as epic and the highest since the creation of the state in 1996, and in Nigeria’s sociopolitical history. The youths have been empowered politically, economically, academically, morally, and most importantly agriculturally. It is evident and a statement of fact that Gov. Umahi parades over 70% youths as his political appointees. His his uncommon love for the youths is well elaborated in his sociopolitical and economic policies and programs. The same love and affection have also been extended to the widows. The empowerment of 4,000 youths with a grant of N250,000 each, to enable them start their own businesses, taking of Ebonyians off the streets of Lagos, Onitsha and Port Harcourt and empowered them with another N250,000 each and sending many back to school, N4billion have been mapped out in collaboration with Bank of Industry (BOI) is currently being accessed as soft loan by Ebonyians with good business plan or an already existing business for industrialization of the state aimed at job creation, over 400 tricycles what distributed to jobless Ebonyians, N400million have been used to empower over 4,000 widows across the 13 local govt, each widow received N250,000 to enable them put up their small businesses, N1billion mapped out for the empowerment of 4,000 Ebonyians in the ministry of Job Creation and Economic Empowerment with more than 2000 people already paid N250,000 each. Sincerely, the list is just endless, and believe me, I have lost count. How then on earth can some past shameless leaders of the state that has no provisional evidence of their legacy in the state stand a man like Gov. Umahi, who has so much endeared himself in the peoples’ heart because of his sincere love for Ebonyians, epic achievements and timeless legacies.

Ebonyi roads and other infrastructure that was before now used as a ridiculing reference point under Elechi that enjoyed the highest allocation as a governor and over 270% in comparison to what the state is receiving now. But Ebonyi state has been aesthetically transformed with quality road construction three giant flyovers, which is the longest in south east. All the 13 local govt in the state has at least a fifteen kilometers roads already constructed by the state govt, street lights is now virtually in every town in Ebonyi state. A visit to Ebonyi state will unravel to you how Ebonyi state rose from grass to grace, and what you will meet on ground will certainly leave you with no other option than to agree even more with me. No wonder why there is a steady influx of major businesses in the state.

Elechi who is the former governor of Ebonyi state can be rightly adjudged as the worst governor since the state was created. Yes, I stand to defend my position about the shameful wasted 8years of Elechi’s maladministration perpetuated against the people of Ebonyi state by a man who ordinarily should put the overall development and progress of the state and her people above his self serving interest. Elechi was a costly mistake and a waste of time and a waste of the collective aspiration of the state and her very industrious people well embellished with uncommon ingenuity. Each time I question the achievements and legacy of Elechi in his 8years rule on social media or fora and am met with the answer of him building “unity bridges”, I feel pity for the answer giver if he or she was a child, and so much inflamed, and disgusted if such answer or response was coming from a youth.

Elechi’s so called unity bridges was a scam, substandard (dead trap), and served as a serious conduit of looting the resources of the people. Ebonyians was scammed by Elechi, and anyone who counts those dead traps called unity bridges as one of the legacies of Elechi should better go and verify how much that each of those substandard bridges cost and compare it with what Gov. Umahi spent on building three solid flyovers measuring over 700m meters each. Funny enough that people will know the truth and will decide to play politics of vindictiveness and bitterness with govt/governance that ordinarily should be people oriented as being exemplified by Gov. Umahi. Sen. Sam Egwu did his best by laying the foundation upon which the state was suppose to be built. But shamefully enough, the exact structure of the state in terms of infrastructure and otherwise, remained the same and unmaintained throughout the 8 solid years of Elechi who was governor when dollar was N150, and when petrol sold for $150 per barrel.

Instead of utilizing the opportunity of the economic boom occasioned by increased allocation to the state by developing the state and making the people prosper, Elechi was busy sharing the money with Chinedu Ogah, who was as it were, one of the henchman and cabal manipulating figures and stealing the collective resources of the people. Elechi’s first son called Elechi Elechi, whose stock in trade was to live extravagantly and sleep with EBSU and ESUT girls by all means necessary also milked the state dry through his father Mr. Elechi. Elechi can not boast of a landmark achievement or legacy today in Ebonyi state because of his sheer hatred for the welfare of Ebonyi people. Elechi was never a founding father of the state; Akanu Ibiam was. Because if Elechi is, he would have dedicated his time to building what he struggled to bring into fruition. But because he was aware he is not an Ebonyi man as alleged by elders of Ikwo clan, and also not one of the founding father of Ebonyi state, he ran the state aground, and maintained his jingoistic and cabalistic govt enriching only himself, family and friends.

Elechi being cognizance of the fact that Gov. Umahi has an unbeatable history of giant strides, service delivery, and a personification of impeccable character, decided to work against Gov. Umahi’s great vision for Ebonyi state as we can see today. Elechi out of his vindictiveness, wickedness, and wish for backwardness for the state did all he could to stop our divine mandate (Gov. Umahi) in 2015; rather opting for a man with questionable character and of his own rational and/ or behavioral echelon to continue stunting the development of the state by whatever means necessary. But the people of the state was obviously fed up and enlightened by the truth chose Gov. Umahi who they trusted with their mandate, and today, Ebonyians can boldly say that their decision in 2015 to go for the truth and conscience by electing a seasoned administrator (Gov. Umahi) remains the best political choice cum statement of credence they have ever made since the creation of the state in 1996.

Dr. Onu, who is the current minister of Science and Technology under the most rudderless, useless, wicked, tyrannical, incompetent, lawless, bloodthirsty, and anti people administration of APC under a tyrant in the guise of a civilian president called Buhari. Dr. Onu who also was the first executive governor of Abia state; and technically, the first executive governor of Ebonyi state, can not point to a single achievement as his legacy in almost his 2years administration before Chinyere Ike Nwaosu, a military administrator took over on Dec 1993. Dr. Onu’s 2years as a governor had no impact on the people, not even on the lives of his own people (Uburu, Okposi Afikpo, Onitcha and the generality of what constitutes Ebonyi state today. Little wonder why the elders and people distanced themselves from him, and on several occasions warned him never to interfere in whatever guise in Gov. Umahi’s administration or he will be excommunicated and banned from his clan.

Even as a sitting minister of the federal republic of Nigeria, Dr. Onu is yet to record any meaningful achievement, both in his country home or anywhere in Nigeria. Even the toothpick, matches, and pencil he boasted about and gave so much ado to, the pencil, toothpick and matches are yet to be seen or produced, not to talk of exporting as he once promised. How can Dr. Onu who can not even win his own ward talk of winning Ebonyi state for APC? It is far more possible for Buhari to relinquish power by resigning honourably than it is for Dr. Onu to win his ward not to talk of Ebonyi state that has been Davilated and miraculously transformed by a seasoned and masterful administrator.

Sonni Ogbuorji is a senator representing the good and industrious people of Ebonyi south senatorial zone since 9th April 2011. He will unchallengeably go down in the annals of history as the most wicked, and backward senator, not just in Ebonyi state but in south east of Nigeria. He is fondly called “the sleeping senator” for his unique talent of always sleeping in the red chamber without making any meaningful contribution to the people of Ebonyi South senatorial zone or for the national.

Ogbuorji who was the local govt chairman of Afikpo local govt area during the military regime before the start of Nigerian fourth Republic, he was once a commissioner for Economic Empowerment and Poverty Reduction in the govt of Elechi another failure and incompetent figure. In all his political sojourn and metamorphosis, Ogbuorji can not boast of any people oriented project or achievement in his name anywhere in Ebonyi state. Now how funny it sounds that he want to be the governor of Ebonyi state come 2019. Arrant nonsense and God forbid. Ebonyians will not only resist Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji, but will give them an epic disgrace come 2019. The people of Ebonyi state are now wiser and has pitched their tent with divine mandate.

Moreover, the sociopolitical and economic philosophies of Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji is mundane and egocentrically oriented. This very ugly anti people disposition of these bed fellows is best encapsulated and demonstrated in their respective political antecedence, which is largely characterized by failure, retrogression, maladministration and general negligence of the people’s interest. The above description of these men illustrates perfectly the technique employed by Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji aimed exclusively at enslaving the people and and trying to frustrate the govt of Gov. Umahi; to replicate their failure and redundancy which as it were, and always use to be, amounts to efforts and plots in futility, and a waste of time and resources. It is interesting to note that while Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji tries to link themselves to Ebonyians in manner that is both indirect and implicit (perhaps due to their tainted and suspicious public simulacrum they so labored to acquire). Gov. Umahi identifies himself with Ebonyians in a direct and explicit way, and was able to convince the people that both himself and his govt are for the people which his achievements serves as a clear statement of fact. Gov Umahi’s political approach, is not only politically sophisticated and effective one, but also reflects his down to earth posture, his uncommon Intelligence/sensibility and the party he represents (PDP). The method utilized by Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji on the other hand, reveals not only their faulty social background and lack of political maturity; but placed them in direct opposition with the wishes and aspiration of the people, and has also exposed their weaknesses and general lack of administrative prowess.

One of the common but yet sophisticated techniques employed by Gov. Umahi is that which I choose to refer as the “testimony technique” a technique that hinges on service delivery in which his numerous achievements speaks for him, which however is the basis of governance. Gov. Umahi not only uses this technique for his new and glorious vision for Ebonyi state and her people, but as one of his new political philosophy aimed at a paradigm shift from the usual politics or governance characterized by empty promises; to a mentality of quality service delivery, sincerity, integrity and a promise keeping type of politics and governance.

Saying that Gov. Umahi is not the expected Messiah of Ebonyi state, and that Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ohbuorji that has failed severally on various public offices that they once held in time past will birth the expected Messiah is tantamount to sounding like a looted brain and a monomania dimwit. The game plan of Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji is to hijack our now working state and to restore their jingoistic and cabalistic govt characterized by epic failure.

In conclusion, how can any progress oriented man of this 21st century with complete rationality identify with men with an unrivaled track record and flare for incompetence? Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji have had their opportunity to prove themselves, but chose to be self serving and egocentric. Ebonyians will continue to ask them their achievements or legacies and positive contribution to the state. It is time to ask sensitive question to these bed fellows now acting like saints over night. The uncommon transformation in Ebonyi state today is predestined by God alone, and no evil forces or mechanization can stop Ebonyi state because Ebonyi state is now under a divine destiny under Gov. Umahi. Ebonyians, particularly the youths are ready not only to replicate in double folds what happened in 2015, but ever ready to defend by whatever means necessary the govt of Gov. Dave Umahi come 2019. The battle is between the people and Elechi, Dr. Onu and Ogbuorji; I do hope that they are ready to dance to the tune.

By Nnaemeka U Trump
Media Freelancer
Strategic And Critical Thinker



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