Explore The Giraffe Centre In Kenya



Explore The Giraffe Centre In Kenya

Are you looking for an escape into nature? The giraffe centre plays home to the tallest animals in the world. There are over 300 giraffes in this centre. The centre is a great place to soak in the beauty of nature. It is located at Duma road, Nairobi, Kenya. This haven was created to protect the endangered species -Rothschild giraffe of East Africa. This centre is open to the public from 9 am to 5 pm every day.

Giraffe centre is a great place to visit with kids as they are exposed to nature in its purest form. There are over 300 Rothschild Giraffe breeding in the centre. The Centre often holds workshops for primary and secondary school teachers or college lecturers with the sole aim to help them realise their role in conservation education. The centre also as a Nature Education Centre for educating school children every year.

A giraffe

Photo credit The daily beast

The giraffes are allowed to wander freely through the gardens and often push their heads through the French Windows to inspect the breakfast table for food. There’s an interesting self-guided forest walk through the adjacent Gogo River Bird Sanctuary. The original house of the founders has been converted into a very impressive boutique hotel called the Giraffe Manor.

Giraffe Manor

Photo Credit Nit

The giraffes have very sharp eyes that can see very far, approximately 5km away, hence, with their height they have an aerial view of their environment. Giraffes regardless of their heights are not always strong all through their lifespan as the young giraffe are defenceless. Although, a kick from an adult Giraffe can kill an adult Lion.

A child feeding a giraffe

Photo credit Virtuoso

In Nairobi, the giraffe centre situated at the capital of Kenya is a sure way to get your kids excited as they get to have fun and learn valuable lessons on waste management, conservation education and agriculture.

Giraffes are found in the semi-arid regions of Africa, where trees and bushes are plentiful. Today there are over 8 distinct sub-species of Giraffes in Africa. In Kenya, we have the Rothschild Giraffe which is the rarest, the Masai Giraffe of Southern Kenya which is the most commonly seen, and the Reticulated Giraffe of Northern Kenya.

Giraffes eating with tourists

Photo Credit Sun Up Adventures

Giraffes life spans zero to twenty or thirty years old. Their unique eyesight, running speed of about 55km/ per hour and their height makes them unique creatures.

The rich landscape and wildlife distribution make the giraffe centre a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city with your family.




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