Five Indicators That You’re Emotionally And Mentally Worn Out



Five indicators that you're emotionally and mentally worn out

You have trouble falling asleep.
When you’re mentally, physically, and emotionally worn out, it’s difficult to go asleep. Anxiety crept in as your mind raced, rehashing the day’s events. You simply can’t stop tossing and turning for hours on end while lying in bed. This is an indication that your emotional energy is running low.

You’re uninspired
When you’re worn out, it may be difficult to do even the things you used to enjoy, and it may be difficult to find the motivation you need on a regular basis.

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Burnout is affecting you.
You frequently commit so much of your emotional energy to others or to a demanding circumstance that there is hardly any left over for you, leaving you feeling completely spent. Burnout is the term used to describe a state of mental and emotional weariness brought on by continuous and excessive stress. Your body is trying to tell you that it needs a rest. Give yourself permission to take a break and refuel.

You are easily annoyed.

Small things that previously didn’t bother you suddenly really irritate you. You’ve run out of patience, and the tiniest things enrage you. You are continuously agitated because all you can perceive is negativity. Keep in mind that this is a signal that you need to look after your mental health rather than a weakness in your character.

You’re exhausted.
This is a feeling of intense internal depletion, which is distinct from regular tiredness. You believe that no amount of rest will help you regain your strength.



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