MY STATEMENT OF INTENTION By; Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq


Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

Fellow country men and women, May I begin by joining all grateful hearts within the country and beyond to give thanks once again for the end of 2017, a truly eventful one and the beginning of the new year, 2018, heavy with the promises of better fortune and resolution for us all.

It has indeed been a period of transition and tests for us all as individuals and citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As I travel around the country driven by my outreach, seminars, political and entrepreneurial workshops with regular Nigerians, I listen to their concerns about unfulfilled expectations, frustrations and sometimes disillusionment. Yet I still see the excitement, determination and hope on their faces. This truly inspires me. Nigerians are a resilient people, a time woven strait resplendent in our cultural and national fabric, and in more ways responsible for our continued survival as a nation, difficulties and challenges notwithstanding.

It is truly inspiring that amidst difficulties and growing anxiety over the future of our country, our people have refused to succumb to despair and hopelessness. This never-say-die attitude gives me immense hope and this is the reason why our collective resolve on this salvage mission in liberating the land from her woes and foes and also place government and governance on the right pedestral. This truth as however so appealing to me as nonetheless boostered my courage and convictions in my engagement across through the entire expanse of the country and as with the great and promising people of Osun State, a truly colourful constituent of practical and independent thinking people.

Within the borderlands of Ijesa, the glaring mismatch between our potentials and our achievements has become for many a frustrating puzzle; for others it is a topic for debate; and yet for another group, it is doomsday lament. But with the strength of conviction and positivity which enamels our sense of patriotism towards Nigeria and all our great people, I consider it a golden opportunity and a bittersweet chance to manifest our effrontery, activate our innovative instinct, showcase our character and turn our dreams and that of our founding fathers into reality.

It is thus with staying the course of a vision and a service driven life that I, after due consultation with family, the private and public sector, civil society groups, labour unions, religious and political leaders, youths and student groups, hereby offer my self and my services to my great constituents of Ijesa North as a candidate for the House of Representatives, Oriade/Obokun Federal Constituency.

I declare this intention solemnly with an acute awareness of the onerous challenges that lay ahead powered by our dogged commitment to survive and weather the storms as they may come in acknowledgement that no true path towards growth and development is without an admixture of torns and roses.

My story is similar to that of so many underprivileged Nigerians of my generation – Born and wrapped with the shawls of penury and despair and aware of the crushing realities of my station darting at my sight, I ploughed through childhood with my dreams and aspirations for comfort, defied the stratification of class to join my voices with the few straining against injustice and inequality in the realms of economics and politics. I have never since looked back nor compromised on the ideals and principles that have shaped my interaction with my immediate and remote world. And I am happy about it.

Fellow Nigerian Youth, the task before us is daunting but with manifold possibilities. We are at the threshold, of immense opportunity – one as slippery as the sum of dreams, hopes and aspirations that have gone down the steep decline of neglect and disbelief. So no more. The time has never been more right for youths to rise to the responsibility of leadership, taking off the cloak of passive participation, with mind and effort in the creative process of redefining the political process for a better future with hope and

It is for the reason that the 2019 election is about the youths. It is about ensuring that we emancipate ourselves from political stereotypes and becoming more socially and politically responsible to the country. I worry today that many of our youths who, given the opportunity, would have ameliorated the sad state of this nation, too often had their aspirations stilted by an avalanche of opposition bred in the very society we live in.

For if the truth must be told to the candid world, let’s make no mistake of the sordid situation in which we find ourselves. Our greatest opposition comes from within and not without. There are within us those perennially wired by society to be cynics, to have doubts and cast these unsubstantiated doubts about.

Myriads of groups and platforms in different nomenclatures have bracingly and clandestinely constituted themselves into principalities of ready foot soldiers to serve the ignoble interest of serially recycled politicians within the polity keen on stemming the rise of a youth-drive political movement and awakening to challenge the lethargy of the political status quo.

Only through the mischief of these corktale of groups aforementioned can the agenda be set to cripple the emancipation of youths from the traditional role of mute onlookers with no say whatsoever in the policy making process and governance. A house divided amongst itself can truly not stand.

This is why we must rally together, hoistering our banners high for our strength is as much in our resolve as in the strength of our unity. We will be tried by the tempest of institutionalised prejudice, disbelief and injustice that has become a constant feature of the Nigerian political system but must forge on relentless, and most importantly together. It is time to channel exuberance into more creative ventures, vigour into production and clear minded thinking into injecting new ideas and ideals into the Nigerian political space.

There may be those moments when we are tempted to let go of our resolve but only then, at such times can we measure our mettle for the even more demanding role of leadership ahead. I want to be part of a new Nigeria, a rejuvenated Osun State, a blossoming people of Oriade/Obokun Federal Constituency where service and merit is the watchword of our engagement.

I want to do my part in rebuilding a country too long fettered by fears, suspicion of each other and official corruption. A new Nigeria where hardwork and dedication is rewarded, where the people constitute the greatest investment because the true wealth of a nation lies with the people.

Nigeria can be great again. With
your support and prayers, we will turn this country for good. We will create a nation that will truly be the pride of the black race. Ours is to birth a new Nigeria for all Nigerians irrespective of class, tribe or religion.

Together we can change the course of this nation’s ship from imminent wreck and rebuild it on the tenets of Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.

Thank you and God bless Nigeria.

Pelumi Olajengbesi is a Public Interest Lawyer and Human Rights Activist. He is the Principal Partner of Pelumi Olajengbesi & Co. Law Corridor and the National Coordinator of YouthLeadNigeria Campaign.



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